PodLP partners with Rephonic to expand regional content

PodLP is pleased to announce a partnership with Rephonic to expand the availability of regional content to the next billion podcast listeners. By leveraging Rephonic’s directory of 1.7+ Million shows, PodLP will now deliver the Top 50 most popular podcasts in the listener’s choosen language.

PodLP partners with Rephonic to expand regional content
PodLP partners with Rephonic to expand regional content

What’s New

With the help of Rephonic, the first entry on PodLP Category List page will be the Top 50 most popular podcasts in the listener’s choosen language. Most podcast data sources offer top podcasts by country, and are often based on subscriber data from Apple Podcast listeners. Rephonic’s data set pulls from a variety of sources and will provide content more representative of PodLP’s global audience.

Top podcasts will be updated regularly and displayed in English, Español, हिंदी, தமிழ், తెలుగు, ภาษาไทย, Deutsche, Français, Afrikaans, Kiswahili, Português, Tiếng Việt, عربى, 中文, Bahasa Indonesia, Türk, and more. This partnership helps connect content creators with first-time podcast listeners, and enables listeners to discover relevant and local shows in their native languages.

About Rephonic

Rephonic is an independent and reliable platform to discover, research, and qualify more than 1.7 million podcasts from around the world. Rephonic provides access to a comprehensive, up-to-date podcasting data set to identify leads, contact shows, and make better decisions. For developers, the Rephonic API enables applications to seamlessly integrate with a powerful directory to search, filter, and categorize shows, episodes, reviews, and more. Learn more at Rephonic.com.

About PodLP

PodLP is a podcast app for the next billion listeners using KaiOS smart feature phones, available in 21 languages for download on the KaiStore and JioStore. PodLP is designed to offer a simple and user-friendly experience to search, discover, listen, and download to podcasts from around the world for free, both online and offline. As of November 2020, PodLP has been installed on more than 3 million devices in over 140 countries. Learn more at PodLP.com.